Massachusetts Exterior House Painting

Alpha Painting knows your home’s needs!

DSC_0399Sun. Rain. Mildew. Chipping. Peeling. Every one of these factors affects the durability and longevity of
your home’s exterior house painting. The humid summers, rainy springs, and harsh, dry winters that make New England what it is, damage your home’s exterior paint, clapboards and trim. Having painted 100’s of homes throughout Massachusetts’ North Shore, Alpha Painting has seen it all. And, with nearly 30 years’ experience, Alpha Painting has developed proven methods to counteract every one of these risk factors, becoming the premier exterior house painting company in the Massachusetts area.

Our goal is YOU and getting you the best return on YOUR INVESTMENT.

Painting the exterior of a typical New England colonial can cost the average family thousands of dollars. By paying close attention to problematic areas, following best-in-class house painting practices, and using the highest quality painting materials and craftsmanship, Alpha Painting produces long-lasting results that increase the longevity of your house painting investment.

But what about my outdoor paint color?

Alpha Painting works closely with homeowners to achieve a coordinated color scheme that appeals both to your personal aesthetic and complements your home’s architectural characteristics. Paint samples, color matches and complimentary color consultations are all available to assist homeowners in making the perfect color selection.

A core element of Alpha’s business model is our strong commitment to establishing lifelong relations with our clientele. This customer-for-life approach requires that all Alpha employees hold themselves to the highest standards to deliver exceptional painting services optimized for longevity and value, all while staying within pre-arranged budgets. These qualities make us the ideal exterior house painting company in the greater Boston Massachusetts area.

Alpha Painting Exterior Process

Contact Us to schedule your free in-home consultation and quote.